The Skelligs Way

County Kerry
1 review
Grade Moderate
Length 11.8 km
Time 3.5 hours
Format Linear
Ascent 269 m
Dogs Allowed No
Waymarking Blue arrow on black background
Start Point
Ballinskelligs Beach Car Park
Finish Point
US Navy Liberator Monument, Ducalla, Ballinskelligs
Nearest Town to Start Ballinskelligs
Grid Ref. V 433 656 / V 388 650
Lat. and Long. 51.820929, -10.272947 / 51.813919, -10.336979

Beautiful walk with stunning views of Ballinskelligs Bay, St Fnians Bay and the Skelligs Rocks.

Maps and other information


Car parking, shops, restaurants/cafés, accommodation in Ballinskelligs Car parking , public toilets and café at trailhead

OSI Maps

OSI Maps

Discovery Series Sheet 83
Public Transportation

Public Transportation



Andrea from Germany

Most of the Walk leads on minor roads which is boring to walk

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