Training Courses
We are currently undertaking a review of our Education and Training programme which means face-to-face courses will not resume until this is completed.
Sport Ireland Outdoors have developed a number of training courses suitable for people wishing to develop skills in the area of recreational trail planning, development, maintenance, and management. The courses combine a classroom and practical approach and are embedded in best practices. All course tutors have a wealth of experience in their respective fields.
Unfortunately due to COVID-19 we are unable to host face-to-face training courses at the moment. We will reinstate these courses as soon as it is safe to do so but in the mean time we have recently launched a NEW online Introduction to Walking Trail Planning course.
Find out more about this course below and book your place today!

Course Overview
Courses Available

Walking Trail Planning
To give learners the tools and confidence to effectively develop sustainable and enjoyable walking trails, while navigating issues such as land ownership, insurance, environmental considerations and funding.

Walking Trail Development
To equip learners with the tools and understanding to effectively develop a sustainable walking trail, including selecting the physical attributes, costing & funding the project and planning for long-term management.

Trail Maintenance and Monitoring
To equip learners with the knowledge to develop and implement a trail maintenance and monitoring programme...

Introduction to Walking Trail Construction Techniques
To introduce the theory, techniques and practical skills necessary to construct and maintain sustainable and fit for purpose trail surfaces.

Practical Trail Surface Construction and Repair
To equip learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to undertake practical trail construction and maintenance works on trails.

Introduction to Walking Trail Survey, Design and Specification
Introduce learners to the principles, processes and techniques used to prepare plans and specifications for trail surface construction works.

Ecological and Heritage Considerations for Outdoor Development
To raise awareness of the importance and value of protecting the natural environment and heritage features in outdoor developments.

Recreational Cycle Route Planning and Development
To equip learners with the knowledge and skills to aid the planning and development of recreational cycle routes in Ireland.

Frequently Asked Questions answered here!