Slí Árann Mhór Loop

Slí Árainn Mhór Loop is suitable for walking and cycling

County Donegal
Grade Moderate
Length 17.8 km
Time 5 hours
Format Loop
Ascent 400 m
Start Point
Old Pier, Leadhb Gharbh, Árainn Mhór Island
Finish Point
Old Pier, Leadhb Gharbh, Árainn Mhór Island
Nearest Town to Start Burtonport
Grid Ref. B 682 158
Lat. and Long. 54.98865, -8.49683

The walk takes you on tarred road as it circles the island bringing you to the wild and uninhabited interior and western side of the island as well as through the houses concentrated along the southern and eastern sides. There is a spur walk to the remote Lighthouse. Views are of superb coastal and island scenery.


Limited Services Árainn Mhór: Toilet facilities, Food & Drink
Full Services Ailt an Chorráin

Map Guides

Map Guides

Bealach na Gaeltachta Sli Dhun na Gall Sli na Rosann - Udaras na Gaeltachta

OSI Maps

OSI Maps

Discovery Series Sheet 1

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