Sheep's Head - Póc an Tairbh (Kealkill)
7.4 km
3 hours
Dogs Allowed
Red arrow
Start Point
Finish Point
Nearest Town to Start
Grid Ref.
W 047 564
/ W 105 566
Lat. and Long.
51.75379, -9.37836
Maps and other information
GPX File
External Links
At Start: Car parking in car park on Kealkill side of bridge At End: Car parking in car park on Kealill side of bridge

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheet 85
Sarah from Cork
So the sign in Kealkill classed this as an easy walk, which is sooo wrong. There's a lot of climbs throughout. We just wore runners going because it said easy and ended up skidding and sliding. Soaked halfway up the calves in muck. We did the same as those in the other review and turned down the road that the sign pointed to. When we walked so long without any trail markers we knew we'd done something wrong. We flagged down one of the cars that passes every 20 mins and were told Kealkill was another 5-6 miles away and at that stage it was only less than an hour to sunset. I felt like crying, we turned around and went back the way we came and turned off the other road then. We were walking in the dark back to the car. It was meant to be 7km of an easy route, it ended up being 14km of a horrible trail. Lovely views though
john from Dublin
Lovely scenery from the top of the Mountain, but not the most enjoyable hike - lots of furze to negotiate on the way down and part of the trail was through a drainage ditch, so it was wet, slippy and muddy. When we reached the road, the sign was pointing downhill in the wrong direction, so we went a couple of km in the wrong direction before tracing our steps back up and following the sign for the blue route (Sron na Gaoithe). That sign needs to be fixed.
Margaret from Cork