Rathdrum - Jubilee Loop
4.9 km
1 hour 30 minutes
120 m
Dogs Allowed
Purple arrow on white background
Start Point
Car park of Rathdrum church
Finish Point
Car park of Rathdrum church
Nearest Town to Start
Grid Ref.
T 189 884
Lat. and Long.
52.934907, -6.232393
This loop includes minor roads, forestry tracks, mass paths and goes cross country as it heads out to do a circuit of Ballygannon Woods (part of which includes a fine example of native oakwood) and follows a stretch of the Avonmore River before returning past St Michael's Well.
Maps and other information
External Links
Car parking, shops, pubs, restaurants, cafes, accommodation, etc.

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheet 62

Public Transportation
Train and Bus Eireann Bus
Tony from Dublin
Many thanks to the people of Rathdrum and Irish Trails for the work that has been done to get you around the place where the bank of the river has been washed away. Did this walk again a few weeks ago, wondering if we could do the loop but great work has been done to get you up from the bank for a few metres and back down to meet up with the track. Well done to all!
Tony from Dublin
Walked this trail yesterday, starting at the Trailhead in Rathdrum church car park. Well signposted all along the route. HOWEVER be aware of the fact that the trail is impassable as the path which runs alongside the Avonmore River has been washed away. There would need to be a notice to this effect at the church car park, or at least before you cross the road and enter the second section of Ballygannon Woods. This would at least give you the option of walking the road back to your car, or retracing your steps through the woods and Famine graveyard.
Dominic from Dublin
This is an excellent looped, 90 minute, trail with plenty of scenic variety - woodland paths, riverside trails and historic locations of interest. The walking terrain is very good thought not suitable for buggies! Note that the trail begins at the Roman Catholic church with the first directional sign appearing at the back, right-hand side of the church. Overall, the sign-posting is very good along the trail though the sign exiting the rugby fields, just before returning to Rathdrum, may be obscured by the open gate! As noted in a previous review, the signage between the town bridge and the church was not that evident (I observed none).
This walk was well worth the trip down from south Dublin.
This walk was well worth the trip down from south Dublin.
Stephen from Dublin
I walked this trail for the first time on Friday 28th October 2011. I parked at Ballygannon woods and headed down to the river. I initially headed north along the river until I reached the point opposite the vale of clara woods before retracing my steps to follow the Jubilee trail proper. The trail is well signposted (apart from a section in the village). Rathdrum itself is handy for any food items you might need and is an attractive town to wander around while trying to pick up the trail again. I then headed up through the famine graveyard and more woods. A lovely little walk - especially in the Autumn with all the leaves changing colour. Total time was 2 hours including my diversion along the river and the time wandering around Rathdrum.
Becky from United States