O'Gormans Lane
4.4 km
1 hour
20 m
Dogs Allowed
Purple arrow on white background
Start Point
Primary School Bennettsbridge
Finish Point
Primary School Bennettsbridge
Nearest Town to Start
Grid Ref.
S 554 493
Lat. and Long.
52.592322, -7.181379
The O'Gorman's Lane Loop is a pleasant easy trail along country roads, lanes and river bank.
Maps and other information
External Links
Trail Management
Trailkilkenny, 8 Patricks Court, Kilkenny.
Tel: 056-7752111 Fax: 056-7752333
Email: Trails@trailkilkenny.ie
Web: www.trailkilkenny.ie

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheet 67
Felix from Kilkenny
Nothing special, but a lovely detour all the same. Nice and short on its own or adjunct to the Nore Walk. Although getting to walk through fields is a treat, the hum of the motorway in the background kinda breaks the bucolic spell. Shame dogs not allowed too, but understandable since there’s livestock on the trail.
Lee from United Kingdom
I wasn't a huge fan of this trail although I wasn't expecting much to be begin with. About half of the walk is road walking and for pretty much the whole walk you can hear and see the M9 motorway which spoils the tranquility. The trail signs were quite good and informative. This walk is possible to do for people without a car. I got the bus from Kilkenny and then caught the same bus back just over 3 hours later.
Catty from Ireland