Lonehort Loops - Beara Way
1.6 km
30 mins
Brown finger signs
Start Point
Entrance to Battery at Lonehort Point
Finish Point
Entrance to Battery at Lonehort Point
Nearest Town to Start
Grid Ref.
V 761 447
Lat. and Long.
51.6450995, -9.7865069
This walk follows grassy tracks around the eastern tip of Bere Island, taking in the site of a British coastal fortification with a massive moat and two 6 inch barrelled guns. There are lovely views of the mountains and coastlines of the Beara and Sheep's Head Peninsulas.
Maps and other information
External Links
Trail Management
Beara Tourism and Development Association,
St. Peter's Church, Castletownbere, Beara,
Co. Cork, Ireland.
Tel/Fax 00353 (0)27 70054 Email bearatours@eircom.net

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheet 84
Some work is required on this trails as there are a number of surface issues and waymarking is confusing in places. Along the route there is no clear way to distinguish between the Lonehort Heritage Trail and the Fort Loop Walk so please be aware of this. Having said that, the views and beach near Lonehort Point, as well as several interesting information panels, make this a pleasant and interesting walk.