Lomanagh Loop - Sneem
10.6 km
3.5 hours
160 m
Start Point
Finish Point
Nearest Town to Start
Grid Ref.
V 690 669
Lat. and Long.
51.83851, -9.90137
Moderate circular walk on tarred minor roads, tracks, forests and open hilly ground, boggy in places.
The path is waymarked with stone or wooden posts showing RED markers
For a more detailed description see here.
Maps and other information
External Links
Trail Management
Email: sneemtidytowns@gmail.com
The Lomanagh Loop is currently 10km long, 5.7km (57%) of the route is on minor tarred road.
Caution needed on short section of N70.

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheet 84
N&T Deane from Cork
What a wonderful walk! So unspoilt and peaceful. Heavenly. Well marked and very manageable. And straight into D O'Sheas for a pint and a hot soup afterwards!
Siobhán from Cork
Enjoyable walk with picturesque views on all aspects. The majority of the walk is currently on a tarred road (beginning and end) and a chipped forest road. There is very little of the walk over boggy farmland or 'off road', however during this section we enjoyed lovely stream-side views of leaping lambs and sheep, and if you glance over your shoulder, glances of Kenmare harbour and the Beara peninsula can be enjoyed.
We walked this on a blustery, showery day. However there were plenty of shelter or trees throughout the walk under which you can wait for the shower to pass.
Overall an easy walk with lovely mountain views with distant waterfalls.
We walked this on a blustery, showery day. However there were plenty of shelter or trees throughout the walk under which you can wait for the shower to pass.
Overall an easy walk with lovely mountain views with distant waterfalls.
john from Cork
An easy relaxing walk, easy to follow, Lovely views. Well done and thanks. John
con from Limerick
Accidentally discovered loop, leaflets not available or obvious at tourism information point.
Walk satisfactory and nice diversion from unremarkable Kerry Way stretch. Signposts excellent.
Forest path unspectacular and should have information signposts.
Top of the loop stretch had spectacular views of mountains ( Dunkerron range ).
Information board on Ice age, Glaciation forces would be helpful with explanation of terminology at this stage of loop.
Certainly worthwhile , not yet the finished product
Walk satisfactory and nice diversion from unremarkable Kerry Way stretch. Signposts excellent.
Forest path unspectacular and should have information signposts.
Top of the loop stretch had spectacular views of mountains ( Dunkerron range ).
Information board on Ice age, Glaciation forces would be helpful with explanation of terminology at this stage of loop.
Certainly worthwhile , not yet the finished product
Donnacha Geary from Cork