Glanteenassig - Lough Slat view
10 mins
Dogs Allowed
Under effective control
Start Point
Car Park No. 3
Finish Point
Car Park No. 3
Nearest Town to Start
Lat. and Long.
52.2066449, -10.0366831
This trail takes you to the serene Lough Slat which is surrounded by mountains and a forest of Sitka trees. Across the lake is the majestic rock face of Carrigaspanaig and the plateau of Doon and Commeen rising to 470 metres. The scenery is spectacular and after heavy rainfall the streams cascade dramatically down the hillsides.
Trail Management
Coillte Castleisland, Back of the Forge, Lower Main Street, Castleisland, Co. Kerry. Tel: ++ 353 66 7163370 Fax: ++ 353 66 7163825

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheets 70 and 71