Cullahill - Heathy Way Loop Walk
6.3 km
2 hours
250 m
Dogs Allowed
Blue arrow on white background
Start Point
Cullahill Village Car Park
Finish Point
Cullahill Village Car Park
Nearest Town to Start
Cullahill Village
Grid Ref.
S 354 741
Lat. and Long.
52.817689, -7.475445
This loop follows field paths, woodland tracks, lanes and minor roadways in a cluster of low hills above the village of Cullahill with fine views of rural County Laois as well as some of the mountains in the surrounding counties, while closer to hand it passes the ruins of Cullahill Castle, a Lime Kiln, Cummer Well and a Rath or Fort.
Maps and other information
External Links
Parking, shop, pub

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheet 60

Public Transportation
MB. from Kilkenny
I’ve hiked this trail many times and it was of my favourite local walks. However it appears to be neglected of late, the little narrow paths are almost overgrown and some areas are so waterlogged they are impassible. I know the weather has been very wet but this particular stretch is an ongoing problem. Maybe a boardwalk there?? Also a house on the trail lets their dogs run loose and they are quite intimidating. Such a shame, as it’s a lovely varied trail. Come on Laois Co Council.. please get it sorted and safe again.
Josephine O Brien from Carlow