Broadford Ashford Walking Trails - Lough Ghe Way
5.1 km
3 hours
240 m
Dogs Allowed
Orange arrow on white background
Start Point
Beside church in Ashford
Finish Point
Beside church in Ashford
Nearest Town to Start
Grid Ref.
R 27843 23792
Lat. and Long.
52.36126, -9.06005
This walk of varied terrain takes you from the village of Ashford, rising quickly and steeply up the Cobs Road (an old Mass path). This leads into a forest area. As you walk along between the rows of sitka spruce, listen in summertime for the songs of the cuckoo and skylark. Watch out too for the hen harrier which is a protected species in this area. Visit Lough Ghé, (Lake of the Geese), a deep oligotrophic lake which is fringed with Bottle Sedge. Return by the same route to the trailhead in the village of Ashford.
Maps and other information
External Links
Trail Management
Car parking, pub
No dogs except on public roads

Map Guides
Broadford-Ashford Walking Trails - Sli Mullach an Radhairc - Lough Ghé Way

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheet 72
loo99car from Limerick
Nice village, park in front of Church, great storyboard, markers only visible when you go past them as overgrown going on and off small first road section....look out for Hen Harriers in clearings and a sod of lost turf on upper road section...nice souvenir!