The Adventure Project - Dublin City Sports Partnership
The Adventure Project continues to provide a much needed and valued service in the North East Inner City. Over the last 2 years there has been extensive work done to increase awareness of the project in the area and in creating structures towards making the project sustainable.
The figures below outline the groups from the North East Inner City who have participated with the Adventure Project through 2019 to date.
Youth Group and Community Organisation Participation
- 50 Canal Based Session have taken place with the following local youth groups and community organisations from the North East Inner City:
Ballybough Youth Service & Youth Club, Swan Youth Service, Lourdes Youth and Community Services , The Nickol Project, Ozanam House (St. Vincent De Paul), Colaiste Mhuire, Early Learning Initiative (ELI), Neighbourhood Youth Project 2 (NYP 2), HAY Project, Sherriff St After Schools Project (ASESP), Streetline – Over 500 participants to date
- 12 sessions with local Adult groups - Saol project & North Wall CDP - 87 participants.
Voluntary Club Participation (Club is supported by staff of Adventure Project)
- Volunteer groups - 35 sessions for local groups aged 8 – 13 years - 310 participants
- Kayaking introductory training courses and beginner river trips - 11 days - 117 participants
- Hillwalking - 5 days - 38 participants