HER Outdoors Week Encourages Females to Get Outside and Embrace the Outdoors
Sport Ireland presents the inaugural HER Outdoors Week to encourage women and girls to discover their sense of adventure and experience everything the outdoors has to offer in terms of physical activity. HER Outdoors Week runs from the 9th to 15th of August and aims to inspire all females to embrace outdoor sports, try something new, and get involved in a social activity. It’s trails and talks, sea swims and sunrises or canoes and coffees.
Sport Ireland recently commissioned a study to identify the barriers to female participation in sport and determine how to break them down. Some elements that came to the forefront of the study have helped shape the activities available during HER Outdoors week. Events will have a focus on fun, being social, and being based around small group numbers. Other areas that were highlighted include having less mainstream activities that are accessible to all.
Sport Ireland, together with the network of Local Sports Partnerships and outdoor NGB’s have come together to help facilitate and run activities throughout HER Outdoors Week which encourages all females to get outdoors and try something different in a bid to increase physical activity levels among females across Ireland.
Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media Catherine Martin TD – “The National Sports Policy refers to a goal to eliminate the active sport and participation gap between men and women by 2027. It also looks at significant reductions in gaps by socio-economic status, ethnicity, disability age and of course gender. We are delighted to see HER Outdoors Week being rolled out across the country this coming August. Campaigns such as HER Outdoors will continue to break barriers and ensure we reach our targets and gender equality in sport”.
Minister of State for the Gaeltacht & Sport, Jack Chambers TD – “I welcome this latest initiative from Sport Ireland. We must continue to highlight the important and positive impact sport and outdoor activity have on everyone. Continued improvement to breakdown barriers on gender, ability and social class is essential to ensure sport is for all”.
Chief Executive, Sport Ireland, John Treacy – “There is a vast array of opportunities in the outdoors in Ireland. We are privileged to have such amenities as the national network of trails, a variety of outdoor recreational sporting activities including recreational walking, cycling, canoeing, kayaking, hill climbing, and so on. It is exciting to see the boundless possibilities for all females to get outdoors, get active, and find their outdoors this August during HER Outdoors Week.
Director of Participation and Ethics, Sport Ireland, Dr. Una May "There are relatively few limitations to participation in the outdoors. There’s something for everyone to enjoy. We are delighted to work with LSP’s and National Governing Bodies around the country to provide what will be a fantastic opportunity for females to try something new in the outdoors this August. With the help from our partners, Sport Ireland will see HER Outdoors Week present the opportunity to thousands of females across the country to have a sense of adventure and enjoy the freedom of the outdoors. We want to change the image and perception of the outdoor participant to one that is more gender-equal and inclusive.”
For the opportunity to get involved in HER Outdoors Week and to try something new head over to www.sportireland.ie/heroutdoors where you can find more information about how to get involved. Alternatively, check out some of our social pages including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram @SportIreland.
Outdoor recreation plays an important role in supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of society. Throughout HER Outdoors week Sport Ireland is encouraged to enjoy the outdoors while adhering to government protocols and public health guidelines.
For more information on being active in the outdoors, visit: www.gov.ie