Sport Ireland is rolling out Garda vetting on a phased basis to National Governing Bodies of sport. This arrangement has been approved by the Implementation Group on Garda Vetting. The method in managing this process is that Sport Ireland is liaising with National Governing Bodies in respect of the introduction of Garda Vetting to the sector on a phased basis.
To this end, Sport Ireland notifies the Garda Central Vetting Unit when an NGB is in a position to apply for registration with the unit and of the nominated person (AS) in the organisation to manage the process. The Garda Central Vetting Unit then liaises with the nominated person in the NGB and the registration process is commenced.
On registration, Authorised Signatories are trained in the NGB concerned and the Garda Vetting service is then extended to that Organisation. Each NGB is responsible for how they roll-out the vetting process within their organisation. Any club or individual enquiring about vetting procedures should contact their NGB. Garda vetting of individuals can only be accessed through the National Governing Body.