Governance Code for Sport
A Code of Practice for Good Governance of Sport Organisations in Ireland.
The Governance Code for Sport ("the Code") builds on the work of the Code of Practice for Good Governance of Community, Voluntary and Charitable (CVC) Organisations in Ireland, as taken over by Sport Ireland in June 2019.
Sport Ireland would like to acknowledge and thank the Governance Code Working Group (GCWG) for their hard work and dedication in developing, maintaining and administering the Code since its introduction in 2012. Additional information on the history of the Code is available in the 'Background to the Code' section of the website.
The Government’s National Sports Policy, published in July 2018, tasks Sport Ireland with overseeing a process whereby all National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) adopt the Code by the end of 2021. In taking over the Code, Sport Ireland can ensure that this objective is delivered and that all funded organisations have appropriate governance structures in place.
In this section organisations will find guidance notes relating to the implementation of the Code and supports for the journey to adoption of the Governance Code for Sport.
Governance Code Resources
Reporting Compliance

Sector Specific Governance Support Programme
About the Governance Code for Sport
Implementing the Code
Register of Organisations
The Governance Code - Organisational Types
Background to the Code

Annual Governance Conference
Sport Ireland is pleased to announce the details for this year's Annual Governance Conference as part of the Gov-Enhance Governance Programme. This conference will take place on Thursday the 24th of November from 11:00am to 3:30pm in the Clayton Hotel Liffey Valley.