Where do You Want to Be?

Once you have an understanding of your current landscape, the make-up of your current coaching numbers from a gender perspective, and have identified the problem(s), the next step is to outline where you want to be and why? This should set out the organisation’s aspirations for women in coaching.


One of the most important parts of planning is setting goals. It is a way of focusing the implementation of the plan and a tool to monitor the project as it rolls out. In working through the next three Chapters of this toolkit, each of the three areas of recruiting, developing and retaining coaches should be planned and have short,  medium and long-term goals.

Goals can be somewhat abstract and big picture. They provide a wide, overarching target for the organisation to set their eyes on as a whole. Goals define the general intentions and ambitions of the organisation in relation to women in coaching.

For example, the goals for your sport might include:

  • That all females feel valued, supported and have confidence coaching in your sport.
  • That your sport leads the way when it comes to female coaches at high performance level.
  • That female coaches are visible through all levels of the sport, in all clubs.


Sports should set realistic targets, and ensure they are meaningful to their organisation. Setting unrealistic targets may disengage your existing coaches and create programmes that are not meaningful or sustainable in the long term. However targets and goals should be inspirational to show leadership and a commitment in this area for developing more female coaches.

Choose targets that you are comfortable can be attained with achievable changes to your existing coaching system. For example, sports might identify the following targets:

  • Women as volunteers and/or employed coaches should be 40% of the coaching workforce by (insert date).
  • Female coaches should be 30% of Provincial and National team coaches by (insert date).
  • Females will comprise of minimum 40% of Coach Developers or Tutor Trainer numbers for delivering coaching courses/workshops.
  • Increase coaching numbers on coaching courses by (insert %).
  • Increase number of female coaches at Level 2 (insert %).

Organisations should also consider the following areas and establish objectives and targets under each where applicable.

  • Skill set – What does a coach need in your sport to match the demands of your sport? What does it take to be a good coach in your sport and can you set a target to achieve this?
  • Supports - What supports do you need to offer to meet the demand of your sport?
  • Culture - What indicators will show the sport is inclusive and welcoming for female coaches?

Chapter 1: Planning Suggested Actions

  • Establish a Women in Coaching Working Group in your organisation for your coaching project to guide, support and help define the goals and targets.

  • Work with others in the organisation, including those responsible for coach development where applicable, to set goals and targets.

  • Set goals that are not just focused on increasing numbers but also the standard of coach versus the demands the sport requires of the coach.

View your action list