ANTI-DOPING Tutor Training Opportunities

23 Jul 2009

The Anti-Doping Unit of the Irish Sports Council is now offering all National Governing Bodies of Sport the opportunity to train staff or volunteers from their organisation as Anti-Doping Tutors.  Swim Ireland was the first National Governing Body of Sport to train six tutors in Anti-Doping.  

The purpose of the programme is to empower the NGB to ensure that its members are aware of Anti-Doping rules and regulations.  The tutor will be able to incorporate anti-doping material with current NGB education programmes or with the support of the Anti-Doping Unit to develop new education programmes for members including seminars for members. 

Tutors are trained in all aspects of Anti-Doping from sport specific rules and regulations around the areas of the use of medicines in sport, Declaration of Use and Therapeutic Use Exemption applications, sample collection procedures, the whereabouts system along with other areas of interest such as supplements and sports foods. 

NGB interested in training tutors in anti-doping are invited to ontact Ailish Keaveney in the Anti-Doping Unit,, 01-8608801.