Doolin Cycle Hub Loop 2
37.5 km
2 hours 30 minutes
367 m
Blue text on white background
Start Point
Car park on Fisher Street in Doolin Village
Finish Point
Car park on Fisher Street in Doolin Village
Nearest Town to Start
Grid Ref.
R 068 965
Lat. and Long.
53.00525867, -9.388025676
This cycle visits the south west corner of North Clare taking in some amazing coastal views as well as wonderful vistas of the surrounding countryside. Cyclists pass the Cliffs of Moher and can also stop off at the famous St Bridget's Well approximately 300 - 400 metres south of the Cliffs of Moher or enjoy a walk or swim at Lehinch Beach. There is an option to cut the route short just before O'Brien's Bridge or about 2 km north of Lehinch.
Maps and other information
Trail Management
Clare County Council
In Doolin: shops, pubs, restaurants, cafes, accommodation

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheets 51 and 57

Public Transportation
Bus Eireann bus
Shay Redmond from Louth
This is a tough one. I'm not unfit and cycle regularly but really struggled with this. The scenery is amazing but with the amount of steep climbs, you'll be too hot and bothered to enjoy them. Definitely not for the faint hearted.
Doug from Dublin
Doug at the National Trails Office here - apologies to Tom from Kilkenny. It appears the link to the Discover Ireland website page about the Doolin Cycle Hub, was broken. This is now fixed and the details for all of the Doolin Cycle Hub routes, including maps are available. Thanks for letting us know there was a problem Tom.
tom from Kilkenny
I was excited when i heard about this site but after trying to plan a cycle route i found it was of zero use. All the information i can get is that the trail starts and ends at doolin but no directions. Another fine example of how our tourism board waste money, this site is utterly useless.
Nghia from Dublin