12 O'Clock Hills Looped Walks - Blue Route
7.7 km
2 hours 30 minutes
304 m
Dogs Allowed
Under effective control
Blue arrow on white background
Start Point
Belvoir trailhead car park
Finish Point
Belvoir trailhead car park
Nearest Town to Start
Grid Ref.
R 51541 70088
Lat. and Long.
52.77991, -8.71895
This trail follows forest track, hard-cored pathway and boardwalk with some muddy spots on forest sections, climbing steadily to the 12 O'Clock Hills peaks and then descending, passing sites of historic and cultural interest such as abandoned dwellings, old wells and mass rocks and along a section of Crag River with its stone bridge and waterfalls after heavy rain, taking in very scenic countryside with shaded stream-side paths, forest trails and open bog offering impressive views from higher up.
Maps and other information
External Links
Trail Management
Call Us 087 969 1415
For Further information on the 12 O'Clock Hills Blue Route, visit, www.12oclockhills.com/

OSI Maps
Discovery Series Sheet 58

Public Transportation
Christopher Kerley from Limerick
A novice to a hike but we did the blue trail. We ventured off track a little not lost just exploring as it is very well sign posted. We did 8.5k in 2 hrs myself and two 12yr olds. You got to just stop for a bit and take in the view from the top. Unreal.
Samira from Limerick
Very 'FUN' trail. Sometimes you are climbing vertically in a forest, sometimes you're walking on planks. Gorgeous views on top and you get there fairly quickly. The climbs up the blue trail are difficult and muddy so I would wear hiking shoes. Although the map can be confusing the trail itself is very well marked.
Thea-Iren from Clare
Very muddy trail at times. Well marked. View from the peak is amazing. Enjoy!
Mary W from Clare