East Munster Way

County Tipperary
14 reviews
Grade Moderate
Length 69 km
Am 3 days
Format Linear
Ascent 1375 m
Waymarking Yellow arrow on black background
Start Point
Ormond Castle, Carrick-on-Suir
Finish Point
Nearest Town to Start Carrick on Suir
Grid Ref. S 404 217 / S 004 138
Lat. and Long. 52.34551, -7.40711 / 52.276, -7.99413

The East Munster Way is a 70km linear walking route of considerable variety, from riverside paths to woodland and from open mountain moorland to quiet country roads and it is part of the European E8 route. It starts in the town of Carrick-on-Suir, at the south east extremity of County Tipperary, and follows the River Suir upstream. The Suir, held by some to be the second-longest river in Ireland, is majestic and slow-moving at this point, overlooked by old castles and churches, and home to otters and herons. At the pretty village of Kilsheelan, the route crosses into County Waterford and ascends into the foothills of the Comeragh Mountains. It soon descends again to follow the Suir into the vibrant county town of Clonmel, which has a lot to offer those who linger. Leaving Clonmel the Way crosses a western outlier of the Comeraghs to reach the northern flanks of the Knockmealdown Mountains where it meanders westwards with spectacular views before descending to reach the town of Clogheen. Terrain consists mainly of forestry tracks, riverside tow paths and quiet tarmac roads: some off-road paths may be a little overgrown. Total aggregate ascent over the route is less than 1700m, but there are some short, steep climbs.

Trail Management

South East Tourism, 41 The Quay, Waterford. Tel: 051-875823 Web: www.southeastireland.com


Car parking
At Start - on street in Carrick-on-Suir and limited near start/end of Way
At End - on street in Carrick-on-Suir and limited near start/end of Way

27 kms or 36% of the Way follows local roads. Waymarking issues.

Map Guides

Map Guides

East Munster Way Map Guide - EastWest Mapping - Out of Print

OSI Maps

OSI Maps

Discovery Series Sheets 74 and 75
Public Transportation

Public Transportation

At Start: Expressway bus from Cork, Dublin, Galway, Waterford. Limited local bus (not on Sunday). Check with Bus Eireann.
Rail Check with Iarnrod Eireann.
At End: Some Expressway buses to Clonmel, Cork and Dublin and very limited local bus (not daily). Check with Bus Eireann.

14 trail reviews
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P from Waterford

The leg between Carraig on Suir and Kilsheelan is a fantastic walk, however it must be said that it is overgrown for short streches, but the siezed up gates are a major hindrance, this leg really should be accessable to all and as it stands it is not. One has to wonder when it was last assessed and why this wasn't rectified.

Also, and not wanting to be over critical, the marking around Russelstown forrest is extremely poor, especially as this part of the walk has changed over the years a bit of extra effort is required as it differs from the only guide book available.

National Trails Office from Dublin

In response to the issues raised by John from Roscommon in his review, the National Trails Office would like to clarify two points. The reason that the trail crosses into Co Waterford leaving the river bank between Kilsheelan and Clonmel is that one landowner along this section of riverbank has refused permission for the trail to go this way. Despite repeated and ongoing attempts this has not yet been resolved.

John also suggests that the trail route was designed to include two counties and the jurisdiction of two walks officers. While Co Waterford now has a walks officer and Co. Tipperary has a Rural Recreation Officer, this route was put in place many years before either of these positions were established.


John from Roscommon

Typical badly-planned and poorly-maintained excuse for a long-distance trail. Follows the Suir out of Carrick-on-Suir and is fine for a few miles where local authority and private fishing accommodation providers keep it maintained, after that it deteriorates. Simple stuff like maintaining gates and cutting back vegetation from markers isn't done.

The trail follows the riverbank into Kilsheelan, a small village that looks inviting from a distance but which in reality is not very welcoming to walkers. Our enquiry in the pub near the bridge about food or tea/coffee was met with indifference and with being directed to another pub which was closed.

After Kilsheelin, things go from bad to worse. Instead of following the old towpath to Clonmel, the trail inexplicably crosses into County Waterford and follows the road for a mile before entering Coillte woodlands and doubling back to a point well before Kilsheelan, adding a pointless five miles or so to the trip. Clearly, the trail route was designed so as to include two counties and the jurisdiction of two walks officers, and not for the pleasure and amenity of walkers. The curse of Leader Funding grant limits, maybe? Makes no sense when there is an old towpath along the river; this trail should be used to keep this route open.

To make it worse, Clonmel taxi drivers rely less on meters and more on what seems to be an agreed excessively high rate for a trip back to Carrick-on-Suir.


Fergal murray from Tipperary

If you enjoy serenity,furtive and tantalising glimpses of primordial Irish broadleaves and edible berries to refresh you on your amblings,go to the area above kilsheelan.The only sentient life you'll see is likely to be;fallow deer(never saw a red up there),rare and screeching jays(my estimate at least 4 pairs),even rarer ravens,mountain hares,kestrels,the odd sparrow hawk,something big and white once(the owl I saw coming from the castle below at dusk one time?),foxes,squirrels,dippers in the lower streams and a myriad small,iridescent,exotic birds flitting through the lodgepole pines(bullfinches and crossbills by the looks of them) as well the animals I never saw but I know are there such as pine marten and mink.Just to confirm-it is highly unlikely that the Black Panther of Kilsheelan or any other large cat is up there.The sheep at the top of the hill graze naturally and the deer can be approached to within 20yards regularly.There are small feral cats,one large tomcat without a tail and I even saw a greyhound-type emaciated black dog with mastiff-sized jaws ghosting through the trees once.Neither is there any evidence of wild boar on the road-tracks or any sign of wallows-and I 've looked everywhere.Maybe they were there once but not recently that I can see-am open to correction on that!There are very few places in Ireland that natures sorcery,although diluted still exists.This particular section will cast a glamour on you if you love nature.It ranks up there with Tullaghane in Leitrim(at the bridge where the salmon come in from the sea) and the Old Head of Kinsale.Go there and see for yourself why it was woven from natures loom.You won't be disappointed.

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