ANTI DOPING Issued on behalf of the Irish Martial Arts Commission and the Irish Sports Council

13 Feb 2009

The Irish Martial Arts Commission and the Irish Sports Council jointly announced that the Irish Sport Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel has determined that Julie McHale, an athlete affiliated to the Irish Martial Arts Commission, has committed an anti-doping rule violation.

The Panel found that, contrary to Article 2.3 of the Irish Anti-Doping Rules, Ms. McHale refused, without justification, to submit to sample collection after notification.

Ms. McHale has been sanctioned, subject to her right to appeal within 14 days, by the imposition on her of a period of ineligibility of three months. The original hearing in this matter was adjourned on the 19th of November 2008. Due to a number of factors outside of Ms. McHale's control it was not possible to resume the hearing until the 26th of January 2009. The Panel has decided that the appropriate commencement date for the period of ineligibility is the 19th of November 2008.

The hearing was held under Article 8 (Disciplinary Process) of the Irish Anti-Doping Rules and this announcement is made pursuant to Article 15 (Public Disclosure) of the Rules.

Further information:

Paul McDermott Irish Sports Council 087-6486295