Decision Making Process

Decision Making process for major policy proposals

Day to day operational responsibility for the organisation lies with the Chief Executive and management team of Sport Ireland.

Any major decisions relating to the organisation are made by the Board of Sport Ireland.

Functions of the Board can be found in Sections 5 & 6 of the Sport Ireland Code of Governance



It should be noted that:

  • All decisions of the Board shall be determined by majority voting of the Members present at a meeting with the Chairperson having a second or casting vote in the event of a tie.
  • The Secretary shall maintain a register of the approved Board minutes which includes a record of Board decisions.
  • Except as agreed otherwise by the Board, decisions of the Board shall normally be communicated to interested parties by Sport Ireland’s staff.
  • The Board shall normally make all decisions at its meetings. Where exceptionally decisions are required between Board meetings the procedures for so doing shall  be as follows:
  1.  The Secretary shall send by email a briefing paper to all Members on the matter to be decided.
  2. The Members may respond in writing with their views within five days of receiving the paper.
  3. Provided that a quorum has been reached by the deadline and there are no dissenting views, a decision shall be deemed to have been reached.
  4. In the event of a dissenting view, the Chairperson will determine whether a decision can be reached or whether a formal meeting is required.
  5. Any decisions of this nature will be reported at the next Board meeting and recorded in the minutes.