Nutrition FAQ's
Sports Nutrition Handbook
Click here to view our Sports Nutrition Handbook for Sport and Exercise developed in conjunction with the National Dairy Council
Nutrition FAQ
What is energy availability?
In it's most simple form energy availability = Food intake – Energy expenditure
How much should I be eating?
Considerations for this include: training frequency, type and time, duration and intensity, gender, body size, training goal, life stress, work stress and age.
Energy demands can change on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis, depending on your phase of training.
What are the best foods to eat before training?
Pre-training meals can vary depending on the type of training session you are doing but the most important aspects to factor in are energy availability for the session, avoiding stomach discomfort and timing of food in relation to training.
Some examples may include a smoothie is useful if you have an early morning session or are stuck for time (see smoothie builder for ideas) or the BVG muesli bar if it’s more a snack you need before training or small plate of your normal dinner.
How long before an event should I eat?
The recommended timings would be 3 hours for a larger carbohydrate based meal and up to 60 minutes before the event for a top-up carbohydrate snack e.g. banana or cereal bar.
Can I get all my dietary requirements if I eat a vegan diet?
With education, planning and preparation you will be able to get the majority of your nutrients but some are only available from animal sources, therefore you may need to consider supplementation under the guidance of your INDI, BDA, or SENr accredited Performance Dietitian/Nutritionist.
How soon after training do I need to eat to help my recovery?
Try to always have a recovery snack available as soon after training as possible. To promote optimal recovery your snack should include the 3 R’s
Refuel (carbohydrates)
Repair (proteins)
Rehydrate (fluids)