ANTI DOPING New Irish Sport Anti-Doping Rules for 2009

05 Jan 2009

The Irish Sports Council is hosting a series of Athlete Education Seminars to support the introduction of the new 2009 Irish Anti-Doping Rules.

A seminar will be held at 7.00 pm on Thursday, January 8th 2009 at the Menlo Park Hotel & Conference Centre, Terryland, Galway City.

The seminar will address the changes to Sample Collection Procedures, the Therapeutic Use Exemption Process, the Whereabouts System and the Sanctions and Disciplinary Process in relation to the 2009 Rules.

The seminar is primarily aimed at national level athletes and their support personnel. However the session is open to anyone who would like to gain an understanding of the procedures of the Irish Sports Council Anti-Doping Programme.

There is no attendance fee. It is possible to book a place at the seminar online at or by contacting Ailish Keaveney on 01 8608801 or

For details on the Irish Anti-Doping Programme check out

Paul McDermott 010-8608802