EVENT 3rd National APA Conference 17-18 November

11 Nov 2008

The Institute of Technology Tralee is delighted to host its 3rd National Adapted Physical Activity Conference in conjunction with the CARA Adapted Physical Activity Centre & the Irish Sports Council.

32 speakers including a number of leading worldwide experts in APA will address the conference on a range of topics dealing with the inclusion of people with disabilities in physical activity, PE and sport.

Additionally, a number of practical sessions related to the area will also be incorporated.


Conference Theme: Building the right structures, Quality Participation & Professional Development

This conference would be of special interest to the following:

  • People with disabilities, families and carers, professionals, volunteers or students
  • involved in the area of disability services, sport, recreation or leisure services,
  • physical needs education and the health services.

For additional information contact:

Niamh Daffy
+353 66 7145646



3rd National Adapted Physical Activity Conference

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