PARALYMPICS Sonia O'Sullivan Addresses Irish Paralympic Team at Training Camp

11 Aug 2008

Irish sporting legend Sonia O'Sullivan flew in yesterday to address the Irish Paralympic team at their training camp in Limerick ahead of the 2008 Paralympic Games, which get underway in Beijing on September 6th next. The 45 strong Irish team, complete with coaches, team managers, and support staff soaked up every word O'Sullivan said and seized every nugget of advice she offered.

O'Sullivan opened with a montage of footage of her most memorable experiences on the track; including her first Olympics in Barcelona, world championship win in 1995, silver medal winning performance in Sydney and her experience at the Athens Games. The footage was greeted by a spontaneous round of applause from the captivated team before Sonia extended her best wishes to the athletes. "Congratulations to each and every one of you on making the team. It is a fantastic achievement and an honour and I wish you the very best of luck in Beijing. I really hope you enjoy it, as the journey you take to get there is probably the most important thing", she said. "I'm jealous of you all going out to compete at these Games!" she quipped.

Performance Director at the Paralympic Council of Ireland Liam Harbison spoke of the effect Sonia's visit had on the team.
"Having Sonia share her experience in such a personal way with the team this week has been a real motivational tool for the athletes, and all involved. We are delighted and honoured to have the support from one of Ireland's greatest ever athletes. She's had a big impact, and there is a great buzz in the team at this stage; we are ready and eager to go and compete in Beijing."

Openly and honestly, and in a wonderfully personal way Sonia shared her experience of four Olympics and a truly remarkable career; both good and bad, with the Irish team. O'Sullivan took them through her first Games in Barcelona highlighting the role the more experienced members of this Irish team will have in Beijing.
"The older and more experienced members of the team can share those invaluable experiences with the younger members of the team, and help them", she said.

The Cobh legend shared the disappointment she experienced at Atlanta and how she dealt with that disappointment "The big thing I learned in 1996 was that preparation is everything. And I know you can feel when you have prepared so perfectly you think - why should I not be rewarded for it? If that happens you have to also look at, and remember the path you've taken to get there, not everyone can win."

As the flag bearer at the Sydney Games in 2000, where she famously claimed silver, Sonia's words on how big a moment that was for her were particularly special for Patrice Dockery; the Irish track athlete yesterday selected as the flag bearer for Beijing. "Looking back it was the best thing I did (to agree to carry the flag). I was so proud, it was such a wonderful feeling, it was one of those moments you'll always remember, it was something so special," O'Sullivan said.

A key theme in her talk; valuing the journey that takes an athlete to the Games rather than just focusing on the moment of competition, O'Sullivan showed, how, on reflection, that journey is just as big a part as the performance.
"In Sydney I know I gave everything I could in the last 100 metres and I was rewarded with silver for it, and of course the story to tell of it, and how I got there - that is just as important to me as the medal", she stated.

Speaking of the Athens Games O'Sullivan revealed how despite the disappointment she was experiencing in the final she never gave up; a valuable lesson this team can take away with them on their Beijing adventure. "You have to take what you get and deal with it; I wasn't going to stop", she stated.

O'Sullivan went on to try and put into words the magical and memorable experience she had that night in Athens.
"There was some connection that happened between me and the Irish fans in the stadium, I think they just wanted to share this moment with me. It was a symbolic end to my Olympic track career - it was so special and I will always treasure it."

O'Sullivan went on to speak about dealing with performance nerves for both athletes and coaches, her greatest influences and how she is occupying her time now; running daily of course! Before talking with the athletes and posing for pictures O'Sullivan left the team telling them now is the time to "step up now from being ready to compete to being able to compete" and assuring them she would be closely following their progress in Beijing.

The Irish team concluded their final whole team training camp in Limerick this evening before departure for their holding camp in the Chinese capital on August 24th, ahead of the opening ceremony in the Bird's Nest on September 6th.

For Further Information contact the press officers to the Irish team: