GOLF: Ireland's Men's Team retains European Amateur Title

04 Aug 2008

Ireland's Men's team retained the European Team Championships beating England in the Final at the Royal Park Golf Club, near Turin. This was the 6th occasion that Ireland has won the European Team Championships.

The team of Gareth Shaw, Niall Kearney, Paul O Hanlon, Shane Lowry, Paul Cutler and Jonathan Caldwell with team captain Michael Burns played outstanding golf to retain the title.

Only qualifying in 7th position after the 36 hole qualifying stages Ireland defeated Sweden and Germany on the way to the Final against England.

In the Final the morning foursomes were shared one match each. Ireland's win was achieved by Caldwell and Cutler. In the afternoon's singles, Ireland gained 3 and a half matches out of five to be crowned European Champions by a margin of four and a half to two and a half for England. Ireland's points were gained with wins from Shaw, Cutler and Kearney and a half for Caldwell.

It was a marvelous team effort by all. However special mention must be made of Paul Culter who won six matches out of six- a tremendous achievement!!!

Speaking directly after the victory, a delighted Irish Team Captain, Michael Burns said "This is a wonderful result for the team and for Irish golf in general. The team played well together and the efforts of all concerned have paid off. Winning two in a row is something special and shows the depth and strength of Irish golf"

Honorary Secretary of the GUI, Albert Lee described the win as "Brilliant and a super day for Irish golf "

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