Parents in Sport Week 2017

02 Oct 2017

Parents are key to a child’s life-long involvement in sport.

The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) and Sport Ireland have joined forces with more than 100 sports organisations in Ireland and the UK to promote Parents in Sport Week. We want our sports clubs to rally behind our efforts from October 2nd - 8th to underscore the positive, supporting role that parents play. Coaches and officials can also examine their communication with parents to benefit children’s involvement in sport.

Feedback from current sports stars and research with young people shows how important parents are as role models. Dr. Una May, Director of Participation & Ethics with Sport Ireland, says “Parents play and integral role in the development of their children’s involvement in sport. It’s very important for sports clubs and coaches to take the time to encourage parental input into club activities, show they value parents, and are grateful for what parents can do”.

Dr Camilla Knight of Swansea University who studies parental involvement in sport says, “Parents play a critical role within youth sport. Without their support and involvement youth sport could not exist in the way it does today”.

However we all know of ‘over enthusiastic’ or ‘demanding’ parents which subsequently can affect a children’s experience. Through Parents in Sport Week, the NSPCC and Sport Ireland are helping to change the conversation and remind everyone of the important and extremely valuable contribution parents make to our sport but only if they are engaged appropriately.

The NSPCC has produced resources for clubs to use with parents and their own coaches. These are available at 

Through Parents in Sport Week, the NSPCC and Sport Ireland hope to highlight the essential role parents have to a child’s enjoyment and success in playing sport.


Aims of Parents in Sport Week

We encourage sports organisations and clubs to recognise and promote the positive and important role parents play in helping children reach their full potential. To do this, they can:

·         work with parents to reflect on the demands they’re encountering and then identify strategies to manage those demands.

·         encourage sports clubs and coaches to take time to show they value parents, want parental input and are grateful for what parents can do.

Further information: