Sport Ireland Pays Tribute to Late Jimmy Magee

20 Sep 2017

Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, John Treacy, today paid tribute to the iconic sports broadcaster Jimmy Magee, who sadly passed away this morning.

Mr Treacy said: “Jimmy was a truly outstanding commentator who followed all sport with great passion and enthusiasm. Jimmy is synonymous with Irish sporting success, having guided the Irish public through some of Ireland’s most memorable achievements internationally. Jimmy will be particularly remembered for his commentary at many Olympic Games, where boxing was always a particular favourite of his. His unrivalled knowledge and passion for the sport always shone through in his commentary.

Mr Treacy continued: “Away from the microphone, Jimmy had a wonderfully warm and humorous disposition, always willing to share a joke no matter who he was talking to. The compassion he showed to athletes in their defeat and the genuine delight he shared with them in victory will be remembered by all who encountered him. Jimmy will be very sadly missed by all in the Irish sporting community.”

Chairman of Sport Ireland, Kieran Mulvey, added: “On behalf of Sport Ireland and the entire Irish sporting community, I would like to offer our sympathies to the family, friends and colleagues of Jimmy Magee. Jimmy’s career as Ireland’s leading sports commentator spanned many generations and he will be remembered by all as the voice that described to us many of our historic sporting achievements. From Olympic Games in 1972 to 2012 to World Cups to European Championships – Jimmy was there for it all. Jimmy’s memory will live on for many years to come.”

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.