Sport Ireland is inviting any interested parties to make a written submission to help inform the development of our new five year Strategic Plan

03 May 2017

Sport Ireland is inviting any interested parties to make a written submission to help inform the development of our new five year Strategic Plan.

The primary opportunity to provide this input is via a submission to Sport Ireland on the strategic themes identified in the ‘Strategic Planning Consultation Themes’ document.  This document outlines the strategic themes that will potentially shape the future objectives and actions of Sport Ireland.  You can comment on these strategic themes via the questions provided in the document or in a free form response.  Please return your submission to the strategic themes by email to or by post to Strategy Consultation, Sport Ireland, Top Floor, Block A, Westend Office Park, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.  The deadline for return of submissions is 5pm on Friday, 19th May 2017

Click here to download the 'Strategic Planning Consultation Themes' document.

Queries concerning the public consultation may be directed to

Note: All submissions received will be subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014.

Sport Ireland thanks you in anticipation of your input.