Psychology of Doping; Important Research Study

27 Feb 2007


There is some very important work underway in UCD into the Psycholgy of Doping and YOU CAN PARTICIPATE in it.

Kate Kirby of the School of Psychology at University College Dublin is currently researching the psychology of doping among elite athletes. This work is jointly funded by the World Anti-Doping Agency and the Irish Sports Council. Your input could be vital to this research. It's all totally anonymous and confidential and takes about 15 minutes to complete. See note from Kate below:

"I am currently collecting data from high performance athletes for an anti-doping research project. I am looking for approx. 200 athletes from a variety of different sports, but particularly need to recruit athletes from 'at-risk' sports such as athletics, cycling, triathalon, swimming, rowing, weightlifting & precision sports. The survey can be completed online by following the link  ( Your participation would be very much appreciated."

If you have any further questions, please get in touch by phone or email.

Kate Kirby BA, DBS, MSc.
School of Psychology,
Newman Building,
University College Dublin,

Tel: +353 1 7168147