5,000 Cyclists Set for The Great Dublin Bike Ride

07 Sep 2016

Less than a few days to go until the second ever Great Dublin Bike Ride and registrations are building up to another sell out event. Up to 5,000 cyclists of all abilities are expected to set out from Smithfield in Dublin on Sunday September 11th at 8am. With thousands already registered there are only limited places are remaining. Participants can register at www.greatdublinbikeride.ie.

Celebrating our centenary year, The Great Dublin Bike Ride offers two unique scenic routes that start and finish in the heart of Smithfield, Dublin. After leaving Smithfield, cyclists travel out past the historic Four Courts, then onto the North Wall Quays and the environs of Dublin. To date 40% of participants have registered for the more leisure 60km route which passes through Baldoyle, Portmarnock, Malahide, and Swords. The remaining 60% of participants have registered for a slightly more strenuous cycle of the 100km route that passes areas of Ballyboughal, Naul, and Garristown. 

The Great Dublin Bike Ride is a flagship event in Ireland for the European Week of Sport (10 - 18 September), the participation fun filled event is not timed and includes entrants from 16 to 76 years old. With the key message for the week to #BeActive, The Great Dublin Bike Ride is the perfect event to get involved in.

The Gardaي, Luas, Dublin Bus and Civil Defence are currently working hard with the various city and county councils to ensure the safety and enjoyment of participants on the day. Along with hundreds of trained marshals, the Garda mountain bike unit will also be travelling along the routes with the cyclists.

Speaking ahead of the Great Dublin Bike Ride, Deputy Lord Mayor Rebecca Moynihan said "As a keen cyclist, I am really looking forward to taking part in this fun event. This event provides a great opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to get active and to showcase Dublin as a cycle friendly city." 

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Patrick O’Donovan TD, added, “The Great Dublin Bike Ride will see 5,000 people take to the streets of Dublin, providing them with a tremendous opportunity to participate in a unique event based on physical activity and community engagement. I would like to wish all of the cyclists well in what will be the biggest event of its kind to happen in Dublin.”

The Great Dublin Bike Ride is an initiative from Sport Ireland who work in conjunction with Dublin City Council, Healthy Ireland, Fingal County Council, Cycling Ireland and Meath County Council to create an event for cyclists of all abilities, from novice to expert.

Sport Ireland is the national coordinator for the European Week of Sport and Chief Executive, John Treacy, is looking forward to the event, “The Great Dublin Bike Ride is one of the flagship events for the European Week of Sport, and really kicks off what promises to be a great week which will see events taking place up and down the country. Mass participation events like the Great Dublin Bike Ride and the many other events taking place in Ireland are a great to keep people active. I look forward to a fantastic day on Sunday.”

Not afraid of a challenge, Operation Transformation leader, Noeleen Lynam, will be one of many novice cyclists at the start line. Determined to keep her fitness up after Operation Transformation, Noeleen was delighted by an invitation from Sport Ireland to take part in The Great Dublin Bike Ride. Speaking about the event, Noeleen explained, “I have really enjoyed the last few months training for The Great Dublin Bike Ride. I loved cycling as a kid and was delighted with the opportunity to get back on the bike and keep my fitness up. Having followed The Great Dublin Bike Ride training plan, I am all set for the big event on September 11th.”

The Great Dublin Bike Ride takes place Sunday 11th September 2016 and to register simply click on http://greatdublinbikeride.ie/