Hockey - Ireland Beat Chile To Top The Group

03 Aug 2016

A penalty corner on the buzzer could have spoiled the Green Army’s winning record but captain Megan Frazer was on hand to clear the danger and give Ireland the victory that secures their place at the top of the pool.

Ireland were breaking at pace and creating chances; Deirdre Duke won a clever PC in the 9th minute and Ann-May Whelan drew a save in the 15th but too often the final touch was evading the girls in green. A high press by Chile rarely phased Zoe Wilson or her fellow defenders and allowed Gillian Pinder to unlock the Chilean defence with ease at times. The only goal of the game came in the 32nd minute courtesy of Anna O’Flanagan, scoring her fifth goal in 3 games. O’Flanagan took the ball mid-air and skipped around 3 defenders before rounding the keeper and smashing the ball into the backboard. 2 minutes later and Ireland were in on goal again, this time Lizzie Colvin created space for herself but her sweep was well saved by Claudia Schuler.

Grace O’Flanagan was called on to make an early save in the opening minutes of the second half but quickly after Pinder and Anna O’Flanagan were forcing saves from Schuler at the other end. More PC’s followed for both team but few looked like challenging either keeper as shots flew high or wide. Ireland always looked the more in control but Chile showed flare and skill that troubled the Green Army at times but never enough for them to relinquish their lead.

Ireland face Chile again on Wednesday at 7pm in the semi-finals in Rathdown School. Belgium face Scotland at 5pm in the other semi-finals.

Squad: Frazer (Captain), G O’Flanagan (GK), McCay, Tice, Pinder, Colvin, A O'Flanagan, Wilson, Duke, Mullan, Carroll

Subs: McFerran(GK), O'Bryne, Whelan, Watkins, Matthews, Meeke, Barry