Sport Ireland - Minister O’Donovan Announces Investment in Youth Fields Sports

29 Jul 2016

Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Patrick O’Donovan TD today announced an investment package of €7.4 million from Sport Ireland, to support grass roots development in Rugby, Football and Gaelic games.The announcement follows the €19.1m investment in National Governing Bodies, €1.8m in direct athlete investment and €5.4m to support the National Network of Local Sports Partnerships.

Announcing the package, Minister O’Donovan said: “I’m delighted to announce this significant investment in sport for young people. It is important that opportunities exist for young people to participate in sport and today’s investment will support the FAI, the GAA and the IRFU in continuing their extensive participation programmes aimed at encouraging and creating more opportunities for young people to participate in field sports. This investment represents a significant contribution to our communities and to the health and well-being of our young people.”

Today’s announcement will see €2.4 million invested in the GAA, €2.7 million in the FAI and €2.36 million in the IRFU which will support coach development, club support, under-age programmes, volunteer support programmes, community schemes, referee development and targeting at-risk communities.

Kieran Mulvey, Chairperson of Sport Ireland explained: “We are delighted to announce this investment today. This investment supports Sport Ireland’s strategic aim of increasing participation in sport throughout Ireland. These field sports are based on a shared ethos of developing the grass roots of the games, growing participation numbers and targeting communities outside of the traditional base of the sport”.

Speaking at the announcement at the Sport Ireland National Sports Campus, John Treacy, CEO of Sport Ireland highlighted the importance of this investment: “Sport Ireland shares a common goal with the GAA, IRFU and FAI to increase participation in sport and physical activity. Today’s investment highlights Sport Ireland’s strategic aim of increasing participation from every age group and from all social backgrounds throughout Ireland, removing barriers that prevent participation in sport.”

Senior representatives of the FAI, GAA and IRFU were in attendance at the announcement, with Philip Browne, CEO of the IRFU, adding: “The IRFU’s and Sport Ireland’s total investment into the Club and Community Game has grown in recent years to over €10million, with the IRFU allocating three euros for every euro of government funding. Sport Ireland continues to support the IRFU in achieving its strategic objectives and contributing to national health and sporting agendas.  The past few seasons have been good on the field and off it, and our investment in the game has mirrored that.  However, a constant, for which we are very grateful, is the support of Sport Ireland, through the core grant and the Women’s in Sport Award.”

John Delaney, CEO of the FAI, welcomed the investment: “Football begins in the community, it helps with the development of communities and it brings children together to play sport, and to socialise in a healthy and happy environment.The FAI’s involvement in these communities, not only produces the international stars of tomorrow, but puts so much back into the villages, towns and cities of Ireland, through the development of the game at Grassroots.Sport Ireland’s Field Sports Investment is therefore essential for Grassroots development and in Expanding the development of footballers of every ability, to play the game at the best level that they can achieve and to develop as individuals. Whether that is through our Football for All, Football Literacy Programmes, Late Nite Leagues, Summer Soccer Schools, Primary Schools Football, Walking Football for the elderly, there is a football programme for everybody.” 

Pلraic Duffy, Director General of the GAA, highlighted the impact of the investment from Sport Ireland: “The core strength of the GAA is our nationwide network of more than 2,000 clubs and the significant level of funding received from Sport Ireland helps us to make an impact at grassroots level - particularly in the promotion of our national games among young people.The assistance from Sport Ireland has enabled us to assemble a team of 330 Games Development personnel who are responsible for the implementation of numerous coaching initiatives. We continue to enjoy a surge in participation levels among young people playing Gaelic games. The number of children registered as members of the GAA, aged 10 – 12, has increased from 39,778 in 2010 to 61,487 in 2015. Through the Kellogg’s GAA Cْl Camps alone the Association provides games and skill development opportunities for 102,384 participants. In addition to this there were 1,421 GAA Clubs who participated in Go Games Blitzes which catered for 84,500 children aged 6 to 12 years.Our policy of investing in young people and nurturing our future generation has been greatly enhanced by the support have received from Sport Ireland.”