Sport Ireland Announces Details of 2016 International Carding Scheme

02 Jun 2016

Sport Ireland today announced details of the 2016 International Carding Scheme. €1,792,000 will be invested in 86 athletes from 14 sports providing direct financial assistance to Ireland's most talented athletes. In addition, to support the services of the new Institute of Sport High Performance Training Centre at Sport Ireland's National Sports Campus, the total investment in High Performance Sport for 2016 will be well in excess of €11 million.

The investment includes over 80 athletes (62 Olympic and 24 Paralympic) and 17 athletes on the top category of funding (Podium) of €40,000. The clear aim of the International Carding Scheme is to ensure that athletes can prepare effectively for major championships including European, World, Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Over time it is anticipated that the International Carding Scheme will continue to evolve under the direction of the Performance Director of each sport. This transition is the key recommendation from the Review of the International Carding Scheme. The following NGB’s are now responsible for the internal management of the scheme for their athletes:

·         Athletics Ireland

·         Swim Ireland

·         Irish Sailing Association

·         Triathlon Ireland

·         Badminton Ireland

·         Cycling Ireland

·         Rowing Ireland

The International Carding Scheme is one element of the investment strategy of Sport Ireland for 2016. Already this year Sport Ireland has announced that €10.18m will be invested directly into high performance sports bodies which includes the Olympic Council of Ireland and Paralympics Ireland.

·         Men’s 4x4 Relay funding will be invested directly in their programme by Athletics Ireland

·         After a successful IPC Athletics World Championships Paralympics Ireland have 6 athletes receiving podium level funding

·         Sport Ireland is supporting Swim Ireland’s diving programme. Oliver Dingley is the first Irish diver in 68 years to compete at an Olympic Games this summer and Natasha McManus is still training for qualification.

·         Sport Ireland is funding a para-triathlon programme for qualification for the Paralympics games

About the Scheme
The International Carding Scheme has, since its introduction in 1998, been a central part of the high performance system in Ireland. A review of the scheme was published in 2012 which serves as a roadmap for its development. It is based on a number of key principles including:

·         Direct funding to athletes will be retained

·         The sports will be directly responsible for management of the scheme

·         It will be more fully integrated with other support & funding programmes

·         The overall budget line will be retained

·         Investment will be based on performance and accountability

The review includes a wide range of recommendations that will be applied across a variety of sports. Full implementation will be gradual and will take place on a phased basis.

"Fit for Purpose" Criteria
The International Carding Scheme Review recommended that, on a phased basis, targeted NGBs who meet 'fit for purpose' criteria will take responsibility for management of the scheme. The criteria cover 8 areas and reflect the "NGB Readiness" factors set out in the Review.
1. Governance structures of the sport
2. Good financial management in the sport
3. Commitment to Anti-Doping
4. Functioning High Performance Plan
5. Presence of a HP Director
6. Administrative capacity to manage the scheme
7. NGB commits to implementing the Review
8. There is an Internal Appeals Process in place

*The Sport Ireland Board approved details of the International Carding Scheme on Febuary 2nd and all National Governing Bodies and Athletes have been made notified of 2016 allocoations.

2016 Allocations