Information About The FOI Body

27 May 2016

Who we are and what we do


Sport Ireland, the Statutory Agency for sport in Ireland was established on the 1st October 2015 and brings together the Irish Sports Council (ISC), National Sports Campus Development Authority (NSCDA) and the Irish Institute of Sport and Coaching Ireland into one new, streamlined and dynamic body to drive the future of Irish sport. The new agency retains the broad functions of the existing agencies while significantly strengthening the area of anti-doping, the protection of children and coaching.

Sport Ireland Functions

The primary functions of Sport Ireland include:

·         to develop strategies for increasing participation in recreational sport at national and local level and to co-ordinate the implementation of those strategies by all bodies (including public authorities and bodies funded from moneys provided by the Oireachtas) involved in promoting recreational sport and providing recreational facilities;

·         to encourage the promotion, development and co-ordination of, and the achievement of excellence in, competitive sport;

·         to support elite athletes in achieving excellence in sport;

·         to facilitate, through the promulgation of guidelines and codes of practice, standards of good conduct, fair play and the elimination of doping in sport;

·         to take such action as Sport Ireland considers appropriate, including testing, to combat doping in sport;

·         to plan, implement, evaluate and monitor education and information programmes for good conduct, fair play and the elimination of doping in sport;

·         in its capacity as the national anti-doping organisation in the State, to direct the collection of samples, to manage the testing and test results of samples and attend hearings, as required;

·         to develop, or to continue the development of, a sports campus on the site;

·         to manage, operate and maintain the sports campus

·         to manage, operate and maintain any other facilities as may be approved by the Minister;

·         to develop and disseminate guidelines and codes of practice promoting best practice for the protection of children in sport consistent with child protection legislation;

·         to develop coaches and tutors at all levels in sport and, in co-operation with sporting bodies, to ensure that quality-assured coach and tutor education programmes and qualifications are established and maintained to meet national requirements, and those qualifications are recognised, where appropriate, within the National Framework of Qualifications;

·         where the Minister so directs, to arrange for research to be conducted concerning competitive sport or recreational sport;

·         to disseminate information concerning competitive sport or recreational sport;

·         to encourage individuals and the private sector to contribute to the development of sport;

·         to furnish and equip the sports campus, referred to in paragraph above with such plant, machinery, equipment and apparatus as Sport Ireland considers appropriate; and

·         to encourage and promote the use of the sports campus by persons participating in sport at professional and amateur levels, and members of the public generally.

Governance/Management arrangements

Sport Ireland's Code of Governance and Business Conduct can be accessed here

 Corporate Plans and Strategies

A strategy for the newly established Sport Ireland will be published in the near future.


Annual Report


Published Annual Reports can be found here.


Organisation and Pay/Grading Structures


Circular One: Sport Ireland Salary Scales 

Circular Two: < Attach Link for PDF >


Staffing Grades & Numbers.


Grade Number
Assistant Secretary 1
Principal Officer 3
Senior Admin 1
Assistant Principal 4
Higher Executive Officer 13
Executive Officer 8
Clerical Officer 2
Senior Lecturer 1
Lecturer 1
Lecturer Below the Bar 3
LSI Admin 2
Senior Admin Grade IV 1
Technical Officer 1
Total 41


Staff Breakdown by Function


Sport Ireland CEO

1 * Assistant Secretary



1 * Senior Lecturer

1 * Senior Admin

1 * Lecturer

3 * Lecturer BTB

2* Higher Executive Officer

1 * Technical officer

1 * Senior Admin Grade IV

2 * LSI Admin


Facilities / National Sports Campus

1 * Clerical Officer



1 * Assistant Principal


High Performance, Governing Bodies & Communications

1 * Principal Officer

5 * Higher Executive Officer

2 * Executive Officer

1 * Clerical Officer

Anti Doping, Participation & Ethics

1 * Principal Officer

2 * Assistant Principal

3 * Higher Executive Officer

4 * Executive Officer

 Sport Ireland Trails

1 * Higher Executive Officer


Finance & Corporate Services

1 * Principal Officer

2 * Higher Executive Officer

2 * Executive Officer

Strategic Programmes

1* Assistant Principal 


Locations and contact details for the organisation:


Sport Ireland Head Office:

Sport Ireland,

The Courtyard,

Sport Ireland National Sports Campus,

Snugborough Road,


D15 PN0N

Tel: +353 1 8608800






Links to agencies/other bodies under the FOI body’s remit



Sport Ireland Institute

Sport Ireland Institute


Sport Ireland National Sports Campus



Customer Charters


Codes of Practice