Irish Sports Council Statement on Billy Walsh

28 Aug 2015

The Irish Sports Council (ISC) is disappointed that an agreement has not been reached between Billy Walsh and the Irish Amateur Boxing Association (IABA) in relation to the role of Head Coach of the High Performance Unit.

Billy Walsh has been instrumental in the sustained success of Irish Boxing and was fundamental in the development of the High Performance Systems that continues to achieve on the World, Olympic and European stage.

Since February, the ISC has been aware that Billy had received an offer internationally. From the outset, the ISC, made it clear that it wanted to retain Billy Walsh and was available to provide whatever support was required.

That said the ISC however recognises that it is a matter for the IABA to resolve.

Following a series of talks, the ISC presented a proposal which addressed the needs and concerns of all parties.  The proposal was to be brought to the board of the IABA on 25 August.

On the 25 August the ISC was informed that the proposal would not be presented to the board and that a sub-committee was suggesting a new version that was substantially different to the original proposal.

In effect this unilateral action ended the ISC's initiative. It is not aware of any progress over the past few days.  It has advised the IABA to act quickly and to revert to the original proposal if the situation is to be resolved. 

Kieran Mulvey, Chairman of the Irish Sports Council said: "The ISC has been clear and unambiguous in its desire to keep Billy Walsh in Irish sport. We communicated clearly to the IABA that we would provide whatever support is necessary to retain Billy. It was our understanding that a framework and agreement had been reached by all parties. The ISC were surprised and extremely disappointed that the proposal  was not presented to the IABA board. We urge the IABA to act quickly and decisively in the matter".

As of close of business, Friday 28 August the ISC have received no further correspondence from the IABA.