Minister Ring Announces John Treacy As The First CEO Of Sport Ireland

20 May 2015

The Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Michael Ring TD, today (Wednesday) announced that Mr John Treacy will be appointed as the first CEO of Sport Ireland, when it is established this summer. The appointment will be for an interim period of one year to facilitate the transition to the new agency. Mr Treacy is currently the CEO of the Irish Sports Council, and was first appointed as CEO in 1999.

Speaking today, Minister Ring said: 'I am pleased that John Treacy has agreed to accept the appointment as the first CEO of Sport Ireland. His appointment will provide a degree of continuity while we move from two sports agencies to one. It is important that we have a safe and smooth transition to the new agency and I believe this interim appointment is the best way to ensure that happens. John has a lot of experience from his time as CEO of the Irish Sports Council and I believe he is the right person to oversee the transition'.

Mr Treacy's appointment will be for a period of one year. The Board of Sport Ireland will be responsible for the second and subsequent CEO appointments, in accordance with the Sport Ireland Act.

The Sport Ireland Act 2015, which was enacted on 13th May, provides for the establishment of Sport Ireland. Sport Ireland is the new organisation resulting from the merger of the Irish Sports Council and the National Sports Campus Development Authority. In line with the Government's programme for the rationalisation of State agencies, the new body will take on the relevant functions currently performed by the Council and the Authority. The Minister aims to establish Sport Ireland in July.