Annual Irish Sports Council Nationwide Walking Events

14 Jan 2015

The Irish Sports Council is delighted to be working be with RTE's Operation Transformation Programme for the fifth year running in 2015. The annual Irish Sports Council nationwide walking events delivered by the Local Sports Partnerships will be taking place on Saturday, January 17th.

The Irish Sport Monitor Annual Report highlighted that recreational walking remains the most popular form of physical activity with 64.6% taking part; this is the equivalent of 2.3 million people taking part across Ireland. John Treacy, CEO of the Irish Sports Council commented 'We encourage people that are not walking on a regular basis to do so and to invest in their own health and well-being. Walking is free, accessible and it works".

Over 13,000 people took part in the national walks in 2014 which are a great way of promoting walking as a fun way to get and stay active. To find a walking event near you visit