Respiratory and Asthma Medications
Guidance on Respiratory and Asthma Medications (applicable from 01 January 2017) Emergency Treatment Whenever a dosage of more than the threshold allowances outlined above are either prescribed, or used in an emergency situation to treat an asthma exacerbation, Sport Ireland should be contacted immediately for advice on either applying for a retroactive TUE immediately (for athletes on the Registered Testing Pool), or for advice on what records of the emergency treatment need to be included in an athlete's Medical File. Remember: The Certificate of Approval for a TUE Application is only valid for the substance(s) listed in your Certificate and should your treatment, dosage or situation change, you must contact the TUE Secretariat of Sport Ireland immediately as you may need to reapply for a new TUE for the change of treatment or change of dosage. Therefore in an emergency situation for asthma where you use a higher dosage of your medication that what is listed on your certificate, you must contact Sport Ireland immediately for further advice.