Irish Sports Council GPA statement

29 Nov 2007

The Irish Sports Council welcomes the agreement that has now been reached between the Council, the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism , the G.A.A. and the G.P.A.

The purpose of the agreement is to recognise the contribution of senior inter-county Gaelic players to Irish sport through schemes designed to meet additional costs and expenses associated with improving team performances.

In recent weeks the Council was invited to participate in negotiations between the parties as the statutory agency for sport with particular experience and expertise in the distribution of Exchequer grants to the sports sector. The negotiations were conducted in a positive manner by all participants and a fair and balanced resolution has been reached.

Funding for the new schemes will be made available through the Irish Sports Council, which will receive an additional €3.5 million in its annual budget for that purpose. The Council will work with the GAA in agreeing the criteria and implementation arrangements for the new schemes. The Council will maintain a monitoring role and will be involved in the review of the Scheme at the end of the first three year period.

John Treacy, Chief Executive: “Firstly the Council is happy that the negotiations reached a fair and balanced agreement. The Council will have a role in the new schemes, in particular assisting in the development of criteria for the new scheme and its review after three years”.

For further information contact:
Paul McDermott, Irish Sports Council   087-6486295
Declan Lee, O’Herlihy Communications   01-6602744