IRISH SPORTS COUNCIL The National Action Plan Against Racism Grants Scheme

26 Apr 2005

Grants Scheme for Sport, Recreation & the Arts

The National Action Plan Against Racism (NPAR) was published in January 2005. The overall aim of the plan is to provide strategic direction to combat racism and to develop a more inclusive, intercultural society in Ireland based on policies that promote interaction, equality of opportunity, understanding and respect.

To support the aims of the plan, the Steering Group of the National Action Plan Against Racism wishes to announce a grant scheme to enable organisations to raise awareness about racism and highlight cultural diversity in Ireland through sport, recreation and the arts. In the region of € 200,000 will be made available and applications are invited from the following bodies:

  arts and drama groups, community sector groups, schools,

The grants will be available for the development of actions, initiatives or projects in the area of sport, recreation and the arts which:

  • Encourage the participation and involvement of minority ethnic groups in games, local activities & events relating to sport, recreation and the arts.
  • Take positive action measures which specifically target minority ethnic groups to get involved in local activities.
  • Integrate minority ethnic groups into mainstream sporting and recreation activities.
  • Improve the representation of minority ethnic groups in the organising and planning of games, events and activities.
  • Welcome participants and spectators from all nationalities and ethnic backgrounds.
  • Improve the participation of minority ethnic groups in the organisations activities.
  • Help to create the conditions that make it easier for minority ethnic groups to participate in the areas of sport, recreation and the arts.
  • Promote an inclusive approach to minority ethnic groups in the development of games, activities and events.
  • Integrate minority ethnic groups into mainstream sporting, recreation and arts activities.

will provide for amounts of between €10,000 and €15,000 which in addition to the criteria under scheme A are:

  • Strategic projects involving a number of partners (including minority ethnic groups)
  • Offer the potential to assist in the development of an integrated and sustainable approach, to improving the participation of minority ethnic groups.
  • Add value to existing initiatives or which develop new initiatives in this area.