CAMOGIE Camogie promotes Social Inclusion

25 Apr 2008

130 children from eight schools representing 27 different nationalities gathered in Lucan Sarsfields GAA Club Dublin  yesterday to learn the skills of camogie along with the President of the Camogie  Association, Liz Howard and Derek Keating, Deputy Mayor South Dublin County.

The day was part of a pilot social inclusion project " Camلn Camلn Lets Stick Together"  to coincide with European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and was funded by the Irish Sports Council and South Dublin County Council. 50% of the girls participating in the project came from countries as far a field as Bosnia, Iraq, Somalia and the Philippines. The girls received top class coaching from Director of Camogie Development Mary O’Connor, Camogie’s Regional Development Co-ordinators and local GPO’s.

Liz Howard, President of the Camogie Association said "I am delighted to welcome the children from the primary schools in Lucan here today. Together you bring a variety and richness of culture from your various backgrounds that makes up the diverse society that is Ireland today. I hope that this is part of something wonderful and that girls from all nationalities will enjoy the day and continue to play camogie.”

At the end of an action packed day each young camogie player received a commemorative medal, hurley and sliotar from Liz Howard and Deputy Mayor Keating.

For Further Information:     Declan Lee- O'Herlihy Communciations - 01-6602744

                                                  Sinead O'Connr- Camogie Association- 01-8364619/087-6405446