
22 Mar 2011

Appendix A - Recogntion Process


Appendix B - Definition of Sport

The ISC has adopted the definition of sport contained in the Council of Europe's European Sports Charter 1993 as one of the primary criteria when assessing applications for recognising sporting activities. "Sport" means all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim at expressing or improving physical fitness and mental well-being, forming social relationships or obtaining results in competition at all levels.


Appendix C - The LISPA Model

The LISPA framework incorporates the following;

  • An introduction to physical activity and sport should focus on Active Start and the FUNdamental and Learning to Play and Practice phases for all. All three provide the foundation for both lifelong physical activity and performance sport.

  • There are many opportunities for continued involvement and further development in physical activity and sport.

  • Individuals may choose to stay involved at a recreational level or choose to specialize in sport and progress to elite performance.

  • The LISPA framework incorporates the long term player athlete development (LTPAD) pathway.

Movement through the LISPA framework

Active Start focuses on providing infants, toddlers and preschoolers with opportunities to participate in daily physical activity that promotes movement and communication and develops confidence and self-esteem. Unstructured physical activity and active play is recommended for several hours per day for toddlers and preschoolers.

The FUNdamental phase provides a positive, enjoyable and fun approach so that the child can develop a love of sport and physical activity. Fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping, throwing and catching, and confidence in water skills, are learned through play and basic, appropriate and enjoyable games. Participation in a wide range of physical activities is encouraged so that a child can experience the social and psychological benefits of being physically active.

The Learning to Play and Practice phase recognizes that not all individuals want to pursue organized sports. Therefore those who do not will be equipped during this phase with many of the skills necessary to allow them to remain active throughout their lives. This phase still focuses on the social and fun element of sport and further develops fundamental and some sports specific skills.

Many opportunities are afforded for individuals to continue their involvement and include active living, active recreation, organized sport and high performance. Each opportunity aims to accommodate an individual's preference to the extent they wish to continue and develop their involvement. Opportunities are not necessarily discreet from each other, and individuals can occupy more than one at the same time and can move wherever and whenever appropriate. For example, an individual may be operating as a high performer in basketball and also choosing to swim recreationally twice a week.

The already established LTPAD pathway accommodates those involved in sport and those looking to strive to become an elite or high performance player/athlete.

  • Active Living: A way of life that values physical activity as an essential part of living, characterized by the integration of physical activity into daily routines, e.g., walking whenever you can, cycling to work, gardening etc.

  • Active Recreation: The use of leisure time for activities that require moderate energy expenditure and produce health and/or social benefits, usually performed in a non-competitive setting, e.g., going to the gym, walking, jogging, swimming, social soccer / tag rugby etc.

  • Organized Sport: Participation in sports that have a significant element of planned and purposeful physical activity with competitive goals. Organized sports participation involves competing at all levels including local, club, county, provincial and national levels, e.g., local leagues in basketball, county championships in hurling, regional competitions in swimming.

  • High Performance: Long-term commitment to training and competing at the highest standard in pursuit of excellence at national and international levels.


Appendix D- Application Form


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