Top Performance Analysts Attend Institute of Sport Training Day

09 Mar 2011
Top performance analyst experts from Boxing, Swimming, Hockey and Paralympic Football, Rowing attended a day long training workshop delivered by Tommy Conneely and Simon Kavanagh from top performance analysis consultancy Avenir Sports. The purpose of the workshop was to provide training to performance analysts from 5 sports that will use a new performance analysis system introduced by the Institute of Sport.

Top Performance Analysts attending a day long workshop in the Institute of Sport

Phil Moore, Director, Performance Services, Institute of Sport commented ‘Performance analysis is a critical front line service that we offer as part of comprehensive service offered to our high performance sports. This service is instrumental in allowing coaches and team managers to analyze key strength and weaknesses which in turn is designed to enhance the coaching process. The Institute have set up dedicated on site performance analysis laboratory housing top hardware and software facilities designed for our sports dependent on their needs. In addition to this laboratory space, we have also invested in mobile equipment i.e. laptops and high definition cameras that can be used in the training and competition environment by our sports partners’

The new performance analysis service will be offered to both individual and team based sports that are a central focus on the Irish Sports Council’s high performance programme. Alan Swanton, Performance Analyst, Irish Institute of Sport stated: ‘I am excited about this new service offering as it will give coaches and athletes access to leading edge software and hardware that is designed to drive performance enhancement. In addition to this new service, we are delighted to welcome performance analysts from some of our top sports to the Institute to access this service and form a community of experts that are passionate about the provision of expert performance analysis to athletes and coaches’.

In an age of technology where information management is critical in optimising human performance; this new service signals an exciting chapter in the Institute of Sports ability to service the needs of high performance coaches and athletes. Rudi Wortman, video analyst, Irish Ladies Hockey Team stated ‘This new service offering allows us to expand the development of our existing performance analysis programme. Having access to higher level software and top hardware will now allow us to customize a performance analysis framework that will us to enhance our ability to respond to critical match events during international competitions’. David Taylor, Performance Analyst, Irish Paralympic Football Team stated ‘We have been using performance analysis as a support service for 16 months. This service provided by the Institute of Sport will allow us to rapidly expand the development of our existing performance analysis programme. Linking in with other team sports like hockey has provided a whole host of new technology applications that we are looking forward to testing in the coming weeks.’

Tristan Stedham Seaton, Video Analyst, Irish Hockey Association, operating his performance analysis software.

The new Institute of Sport performance analysis service is part of a multi disciplinary performance science service that is currently provided to a range of sports across Ireland’s high performance sports community. The Institute’s national head quarters on the national sports campus has been redeveloped to offer a new level of high performance support services to its sports partners in the preparation for London 2012 Olympic Games. New facilities include a sports rehabilitation centre, performance analysis suite and a multipurpose performance physiology laboratory.