Registered Testing Pool old

07 Sep 2010


What is the Registered Testing Pool (RTP)?


The RTP is a list of elite athletes, agreed between the NGB and Sport Ireland, who meet certain criteria (outlined below). Sport Ireland will notify in writing athletes that are included in the RTP.


Criteria for inclusion in the Registered Testing Pool

One or more of the following criteria is used to select an athlete for inclusion in the Registered Testing Pool:

  • Athletes on the carding scheme in the Contract, World Class and International categories

  • Athletes in the developmental category from high risk sports listed in the Council's Test Distribution Plan and other sports targeted by the Council

  • Olympic or Paralympic Qualifiers

  • Athletes who are included in an International Federation RTP

  • Any athlete currently serving a period of ineligibility

  • Any athlete who wishes to return from retirement and was previously in the Registered Testing Pool

  • Any other athlete that is required to be target tested under Clause 4.4.2 of the International Standard for Testing


RTP athletes are required to:

  • Submit a complete and accurate quarterly Whereabouts Filing

  • Update their Whereabouts Filing information

  • Apply for a Pre-Test Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for all Prohibited Methods and Substances in line with the Irish Sports Council TUE Policy


RTP Athletes must avoid committing a Whereabouts Failure

A Whereabouts Failure is either a Filing Failure or a Missed Test:

  • Filing Failure – If an athlete fails to return his/her quarterly Whereabouts Filing by the stated deadlines, fully and accurately completed, this may result in a Filing Failure and the athlete may also lose any funding they are receiving from the Council or any other organisation. 

  • Missed Test – If an athlete fails to be available for Testing at the location and time specified in the 60-minute time slot identified in his or her Whereabouts Filing for the day in question it may result in a Missed Test and the athlete may also lose any funding they are receiving from the Council or any other organisation. 

The Irish Anti-Doping Rules 2009 Article 5.11 outlines the process the Council will follow in the event of a Whereabouts Failure. 


Quarterly Whereabouts Filing Deadlines

Quarter Whereabouts Filing Deadline
Quarter One January – March 2014 December 15th 2013
Quarter Two April – June 2014 March 15th 2014
Quarter Three July – September 2014 June 15th 2014
Quarter Four October – December 2014 September 15th 2014


How to Submit your Whereabouts Filing How to Update your Whereabouts Filing

Athlete Whereabouts Online System:

Click the box at the top of this page, or direct link:

Athlete Whereabouts Online System:

Click the box at the top of this page, or direct link:
Fax: +353-1-8608860 Fax: +353-1-8608860

Text: +353-87-9580211

If you use your mobile phone number that is listed on your Athlete Online System, you will receive a confirmation text when you text this number

  Phone: +353-1-8608832


Tips for Completing your Whereabouts Filing and Updating your Whereabouts

  • Submit your Whereabouts Filing ahead of the deadline

  • Save reminders for the deadline dates in you mobile phone and calendars

  • Consider keeping your 60 minute time-slot and location the same and update changes

  • Print and keep a copy of your Whereabouts Filing with you, so you can monitor when you need to update the information

  • Save the whereabouts number 00353-87-9580211 in your phone

  • Ask your coach or close friends and family to save 00353-87-9580211 in their phone

  • Learn the whereabouts number 00353-87-9580211 off by heart so you can always make an update anywhere, anytime



An athlete who retires must promptly inform the Anti-Doping Unit in writing through post or e-mail. If an athlete retires, he/she is immediately removed from the Registered Testing Pool (RTP). Sport Ireland will confirm the receipt of the retirement by letter and that the athlete is no longer on the RTP.


Return from Retirement

In accordance with the Irish Anti-Doping Rules, an Athlete who was previously included in the Registered Testing Pool and is returning from retirement may not resume competing unless he or she notifies Sport Ireland at least six (6) months before he or she expects to return to Competition and during that notice period making themselves available for Out-of-Competition Testing as required by Sport Ireland.



Q2 2018