Guidance for Transgender and Non-Binary Inclusion in Sport

Transgender Guidance

Guidance for Transgender and Non-Binary Inclusion in Sport

Sport Ireland has published a guidance document intended to provide information and insights to the Irish sport sector to assist with decision making and policy development for the inclusion of transgender and non-binary people in their sport.

This guidance document is underpinned by a very thorough consultation process which took place between January and June 2023. The initial phase of this work also explored the context of the environment in which the guidance operates, including analysis of the national and international policy landscape. 

The guidance document provides recommended steps and considerations when putting a policy in place for the participation of transgender and non-binary people in a particular sport. It also highlights practical considerations for implementation and review of these policies.

 Sport Ireland recognises the autonomy and independence of National Governing Bodies of Sport to set eligibility and competition rules for their sport, and also acknowledges the role International Federations play in this regard.

Along with this guidance document Sport Ireland will make a suite of resources available to help support the sector.


Why did you produce this document?

During the past decade the inclusion and eligibility of transgender and non-binary people within sport has become an important issue for sports organisations around the world and is attracting increasing scrutiny at a societal level. 

It is in the context of delivering on its commitment to contribute to the delivery of National Policies and Strategies, and supporting the sport sector, that Sport Ireland commenced a process to develop guidance for the sport sector in the area of transgender and non-binary inclusion in sport.


What information have you been able to provide? 

Input obtained following an extensive consultation with key stakeholders through interviews, focus groups and surveys.

Information which may be useful for the sector is also included in the document such as a summary of relevant scientific information, summary of international and national policy context, and importantly, practical information to support organisations in producing policy in this area.


Who did you consult with?

Extensive consultation took place during 2023 with those involved at all levels in the sport sector, transgender and non-binary people and their families, advocacy and representative groups, and the general public via the Irish Sports Monitor. 


What did those consulted say?

The results showed us that there are very differing opinions about how best to include everyone in sport. While many from the LGBTI+ community, transgender and non-binary people and their families, are supportive of inclusion through self-identification, this view is not shared by the vast majority of people working and taking part in sport who favoured protection of a female category (as assigned at birth). Across all groups there was modest support for entry into the female category through requirement such as testosterone suppression. When the general public was surveyed through the Irish Sports Monitor, results were more spread, with some support for inclusion, but more so for categorisation based on sex assigned at birth.


How important/relevant is the science?

The biomedical science tells us that there are significant differences in the determinants of sporting performance between the sexes.  At this time the evidence points to retention of some of these differences in transgender women, even after transition therapy.  It is also clear that exercise and sport is important to everyone, both for physical and mental health as well as social benefits, and so Sport Ireland is keen to make sure there is a place for everyone in sport.


Why have you produced guidance and not a policy for all organisations to follow?

Sport Ireland provides support to over 60 recognised National Governing Bodies. Each of these organisations have very different requirements based on their sport in terms of eligibility for participation, competition rules, their relationship with their international federations and so on. 


Who should use this document?

The main audience for this document is National Governing Bodies of Sport, but the document also contains information and insights which will be relevant to all sporting organisations.


Is this for all levels in sport?

Organisations are encouraged to use this guidance document as necessary to meet the needs of their organisation and membership. Sport Ireland also recognises the significant role of International Federations in setting competition and eligibility criteria for their respective sports. 


What other supports will you provide?

Sport Ireland understands that organisations will require additional and ongoing support as they seek to develop policy in this area. Sport Ireland will work with stakeholders in the sport sector to identify any additional requests for support which may arise following the publication of this guidance document. 

A suite of additional resources which will be regularly updated are available at the following link: 


Who do I contact for more information?

If your question is not answered here or in the guidance document, please email 

Any media queries should be directed to



In support of our Guidance Document on Transgender and Non-Binary Inclusion in Sport, below is a document of references used in the formation of our guidance document. 

references-document-guidance-for-transgender-and-non-binary-inclusion-in-sport.pdf (


Inclusive Language Guide

As part of Sport Ireland's overall work in the area of Diversity and Inclusion, an inclusive language guide is being developed for the sector. 

Training and Workshops for Relevant Organisations

As part of the continued support for Sport Ireland’s Guidance Document on Transgender and Non-Binary Inclusion in Sport, Sport Ireland will facilitate workshops for relevant organisations as demand requires it to help support the sector. For further information on how Sport Ireland can support your organisation, email