Coach Supports

Coach Supports

Sport Ireland Coaching are involved in providing supports and additional materials in specific targeted coaching areas such as coaching children, teenagers, women, people with disabilities and physical literacy. These supports and materials have been developed by Sport Ireland Coaching in partnership with other key agencies such as NGBs, Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs), support agencies such as CARA, other Sport Ireland Units, European Erasmus partners and International partners such as iCoachKids. The programmes are generally run through the LSPs and NGBs.  

Suite of Programmes Available

The suite of programmes include, but are not limited to:

  • Coaching Children
  • Coaching Teenage Girls
  • Coaching Adolescents
  • iCoachKids
  • Coaching People with Disabilities
  • Physical Literacy


How do I Access these Programmes?

If you are interested in any of the programmes identified, please contact your NGB or local LSP to find out if they are running in your area. If you are unable to find any information please contact Sport Ireland Coaching