The Lifelong Involvement in Sport & Physical Activity (LISPA) model illustrates how physical literacy is the foundation for lifelong involvement in physical activity.
According to this framework, if young children develop physical literacy through the first 3 phases
- Active Start
- FUNdamentals
- Learning to Play & Practice
they have more opportunities for continued involvement in physical activity as they can choose to follow any of the available pathways
- choose to stay involved at recreational level through Active Living and/or Active Recreation
- specialise in sport by participating in Organised Sport
- progress to High Performance level as an elite athlete
Physical literacy is important because it increases the likelihood of lifelong involvement in physical activity which improves long-term health and well being by prolonging life and improving the quality of life.
The consequence of under-developing physical literacy on the other hand is withdrawal from physical activity leading to an inactive and unhealthy lifestyle.