Sport Ireland want to encourage men over 45 who’d like to be more active to Workout What Works for You .
We are providing easy, accessible tips and videos to help you add more activity to your daily life.
This isn’t about taking up a new sport or getting a gym membership. Simple things like taking the dog for a walk a few times a week and taking the stairs more often can make a big difference to your overall fitness.
Take a look at some of the sections below to start increasing your activity levels.
Repeated studies, including Sport Ireland’s most recent Irish Sports Monitor, have consistently shown that males aged over 45, particularly those from disadvantaged communities, are amongst those least likely to be active.
The Irish Sport Monitor (2021) research found Approximately two thirds (63%) of men over the age of 45 do not do enough recreational physical activity to meet the National Physical Activity Guidelines. Almost three quarters (72%) of men over 45 do not participate in sport on a regular basis.
At the launch, former Dublin footballer Jason Sherlock said, “We can often categorise exercise as going to the gym, running 5km or playing five aside – but it can be much simpler than that. The little things you can do daily, like walking a flight of stairs, can help build up those movement minutes.”
He added, “My advice would be to take it a step at a time. Instead of jumping in the car to pick up a pint of milk, take a walk to the shop. Make a habit of that. Movement is good for your mood too, and once you start to feel those benefits, those 10-minute walks can become 20-minute walks.”
The ‘Workout What Works for You’ campaign focuses on supporting men over 45 to be more physical active by making simple changes to their everyday routines that work for them.
Exercise Tips and Videos
Workout What Works for You